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TeleFood Project

The story of a mother seeking forgiveness from her deceased daughter through food-based communication.
Being DigitalCommunicationFictionsTechnologies

A short film called Ann, which tells the story of a mother seeking forgiveness from her deceased daughter through food-based communication.

The film is based on the idea that a big-tech Eastern company, The TeleFood Company, has the ability to upload the consciousness of a deceased person into the digital world, allowing for non-verbal communication (especially food sharing experience) between the living and the uploaded. We explored the role of food in Eastern ritual culture and how it can be used as a medium to bridge the digital worlds and the real worlds.

We believe that food is a strong medium of communication, even where the virtual and the real intertwine. Many works about virtual communication (e.g. film, video, games, etc.) are based on the use of VR devices or conscious uploads. However, future forms of communication may become personalised and more emotional and intimate. We try to elaborate on the meaning of food in the Eastern context of rituals, apologies, blessings, etc., to discuss the possibilities of communication between the virtual and the real.

Sheyl Zhu
AnnA story of a mother seeking forgiveness from her deceased daughter through food-based communication.