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Arts Alive

Creating a carbon sequestering living educational art kit to be part of the solution, not the pollution.
Climate CrisisClimate ChangeDirect ActionEducation

We created a carbon negative educational art kit, in collaboration with Dr Tanai Cardona, at Imperial College to teach others about the incredible potential algae holds. It can contribute positively to the climate crisis through its ability to power bus shelter signs, offset public transport and act as a living carbon negative art resource. We hosted workshops where we used this kit as the starting point to spread the word: Did you know it only takes just 30 grams of algae to absorb the same amount of CO2 as the average adult tree?

The main component is our photosynthetic algal paint, which once purchased, can provide you with an ever-expanding amount of artistic resource, as we provide information on how to continue growing this. We wanted to leverage this kit, as inspiration for others to start their own environmental revolution. The possibilities are endless and so is this resource.

Qiuhui Hou
Xiang Li
Olivia Longstaff
Website Layout
Online PlatformThrough providing carbon negative materials to experiment with, we aim to teach about the potential of algae to transform the world from powering signs at bus shelters to offsetting transport. We want to promote this medium as tool, to inspire future environmental revolutions. The possibilities are endless and so is the resource.
The full kit, box, brochure, 2 petri dishes, paint brush, agar and feritiliser
Product PrototypeThe kit includes: -Algae pigment palette -Liquid algae -Paint brush -Agar agar -Plant fertiliser -Spare palette -A5 recycled card -Pipette -Information booklet -Biomaterial sample
Billboard with algae art kit on
Information booklet splayed out from left to right overlooking - so you can just see the covers (green, purple with black title)
Educational bookletWe created an educational booklet, to accompany the resources. This outlines the benefits of utilising algae as a resource, potential applications, as well as practical instructions on how to grow more ink.
Purple and green website of arts alive
Business model
Online platform
Someone painting with algae from two petri dishes
This kit is primarily an educational tool for exploring algae`s potential, whilst also being a living carbon negative art resource. Therefore, we hosted various workshops at the RCA and in Soho, sharing our knowledge and resources so that fellow artists could incorporate this into their practice. We received lots of positive feedback, with many people taking this forward into their own work. We also had members of the public from different backgrounds, for whom this was an eye-opening fun activity.
unicorn and dragon painted with algae
Public workshop with people sat round a table painting with algae
Workshop at WE'VE 2050, in Soho
Square tiles of algae paintings, some writing but mostly green landscapes and a couple of portraits.
Someone holding a petri dish of algae
Algae can double itself within a matter of hours, meaning once you have this resource, you are responsible for growing it faster than the rate you use it. This is a great demonstration for children to understand sustainability and the need for conscious resource use.
A group of students listening to a presentation about algae
Workshop with SustainlabWe also highlight the potential applications of algae to help in industries such as biofuels, cosmetics, food and dyes.
Someone creating a print with algae on mixed media board
A girl painting with algae
Statistic on workshop showing its high interest levels, variety of participants and those involved wanting to take it further
This kit has great potential for school projects and art workshops, as well as commercial sales.
Someone painting with algae