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Kimi Wang

An avocado that represents me.

Yuxiao Wang (Kimi🥑) is an interdisciplinary designer and researcher based in London and Shanghai, currently studying for her MA at the Royal College of Art in Information Experience Design. 

Since she has experienced art in various fields such as installation, branding, and sonic and experimental communication, she enjoys experimenting and exploring the boundaries of visual art with different media and materials. Further, joining multiple internships provoked her to insight into commercial design she find some individual demands underlying society. She considers it another challenge that needs intensive research and exploration, not only being limited to commercial design. 

Now her project mainly focuses on reshaping the relationship between consciousness and space, spiritual and material for the purpose of healing the mind and body. Also, she loves to communicate with the audience through interactive media such as moving images, workshops and installations.

ExperienceImaginationPsychologicalEmotion Interdisciplinary

Degree Details

School of Communication

Experimental Design