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The Bias Mirror

One day with AI
Being DigitalArtificial Intelligence

The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning systems are increasingly ubiquitous in our daily lives. The continuation of this trajectory supposes a steady relinquishment of control and, by association, responsibility. We have been lazy in fuelling machine learning algorithms with incomplete and skewed data, producing results which are systemically prejudiced, due to erroneous assumptions in the machine learning process.

In The Cyborg Manifesto, Donna Haraway argues that the link between humans and technology has become inexorable to the extent that we cannot tell where we end, and the machines begin. Ai bias is perhaps also indicative of this entanglement, with technology revealing the biases of its creators. As curator, Marnie Benney says, ‘Ai is helpful in identifying some of the fundamental and systematic problems of inequality that have plagued our species’

Our project journeys through a day in a life with AI as our guide – revealing to some extent the prevalence of these embedded biases and assumptions. 

Grace Beaumont
Zumeng Liu
The Bias Mirror (Edit)In The Cyborg Manifesto, Donna Haraway argues that the link between humans and technology has become inexorable to the extent that we cannot tell where we end, and the machines begin. Our project journeys through a day in a life with AI as our guide.