Welcome to the Making in Menopause Workshop! A proposed rolling weekly workshop kit by, and centred around women. Addressing the inadequate support system in place for women in menopause, we explored ways in which we could form a framework to educate and empower a community through the means of a combined book club and collage-making club- a kit to create and conversate. There is a freedom and accessibility in collage and richness in reading, that works for the kit which aims to spark conversations and create a safe and honest space for women of all ages to discuss their experiences of menopause, the stigma manifesting as a lack of knowledge, lack of care, and lack of tools that discourage empathy and understanding for the symptoms and experiences women go through when they reach menopause.
Making in Menopause
Making in Menopause is a workshop kit that addresses the need for a greater support system to be available for women in menopause
Caring SocietyMental HealthCommunitiesInclusivity
Temi Ajayi
Hannah Brew
Ping Li