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Guide for Art Therapy

Ways to help male immigrants with depression: raise awareness and suggest an alternative form of therapy to help those people
Caring SocietyMental Health

From our research and project at the Royal College of Art 2022-23, team 11aT3 (Hoi Lam Ma, Wenxin Tang, Haram Kang) suggest this GUIDEBOOK of ART THERAPY: ways to help male immigrants with depression. This guidebook was made to raise awareness of male depression and suggest an alternative form of therapy to help those people. We hope that diverse art museums, galleries, institutions and welfare facilities that are locally embedded and can have an active relationship with the neighbourhood (especially in communities with a high portion of immigrants) will use this guidebook actively. We hope that male immigrants going through tough times will use the art therapy we’re suggesting to fill in the existing mental health care system gaps. It is highly recommended to practise this therapy with an officially certified art therapist to avoid any risks that might happen during the workshop. 

This therapy aims to help male immigrants recognise and treat their depression without fear of stigmatisation. Through approachable therapies within the local institutions, they will get help to express negative emotions and thoughts through art rather than relieving their feelings in a self-destructive way. Also, through the platform we suggest, they can be connected with other people who are suffering in similar situations.

Haram Kang
Wenxin Tang
Helen Ma