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The Art of Manipulation: Deepfakes and Deep Hierarchies (2023)

We explore how deepfakes harm, have political influence, objectify and are regulated.
Justice Equality and MisinformationSpacesIdentityCommunication

We explore how deepfakes harm, have political influence, objectify and are regulated.

Our concern is the potential for deepfakes to manipulate and dehumanise 'society' and thus to address the misinformation behind these new technologies and logical paradoxes.

We have compressed our ideas of cancel culture and non-consensual justice into this visual statement.

computer screen distorted
deepfake ai entertainment celebrities
key words deepfakes ai
questions deepfakes ai wardle framework
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transgression deepfake moral panic identity technolog
deepfake lie like truth technology seduction cultural pani
Deepfake saying I can offer you an endless number of opportunities
deepfake highly realistic representation of a real person
respect deepfakes conscious being lies
low culture or high art deepfake software skills ai
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