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Kelly Ho

An experimental and digital design through critical thinking and design strategy to tackle climate change.

Kelly's work explores immersive solutions that connect people to the world around them. She believes accessible and inclusive experience is crucial in communicating with the future. Her work is driven by critical thinking and design strategy to explore social and environmental issues.

In her practice, she uses narrative-based moving images to raise awareness and understanding of critical issues. Through the AcrossRCA project, Kelly seeks to expose the reality of water scarcity and its impact on our planet by creating an engaging and thought-provoking experience that encourages consumers to make informed choices when purchasing clothing. Creating dialogues between consumers and the fashion industry would help us move towards a more sustainable future. 

User ExperienceDigitalSpeculative FuturesServiceClimateFast FashionWater ConsumptionEnvironmentsSustainabilityExperimentalInclusive

Degree Details

School of Communication

Experimental Design