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Jeanyoon Choi


Jeanyoon is a Korean Computational Artist based in London and Seoul. He comes is originally from an Industrial Engineering background, where his experiences in the tech sector influenced a lot of his practices and research. His works were exhibited and performed at Seoul Arts Centre, Iklectik London, Centre Pompidou, and Sogang University.

As a web-based artist, his main practice is based on creating Multi-Device Web Artwork (MDWA), which employs various devices that communicate with each other through the internet, expanding the concept of virtualness into reality and into embedded reality, creating a sense of physicalness from the screens. 

MDWA requires the active participation of spectators, which is the reason Jeanyoon is interested in Behaviour Aesthetics, a concept parallel to Behaviour Economics within the Artistic context, which assumes the limited interest, knowledge, and time of spectators, and thus studies how to induce active engagements from such a disinterested state.

MDWA(Multi-Device Web Artwork)

Interactive web-based artworks consisting of multiple screens, PCs, and participants’ mobiles, where any interaction or transition information is shared across the artwork through the web-based two-way communication, creating a distinct interactive experience distinguishable from other digital mediums. 

Behaviour Aesthetics

Parallel to Behaviour Economics within the Economical context, assumes imperfect spectators with limited knowledge and attention span to devote to a single artwork and investigates how to invite these participants to actively participate with the artwork.

Upcoming Exhibitions

RCA IED(Information Experience Design) WIP Show, RCA White City, London (14th April)

IBA(International Body of Art) Group Exhibition, Copeland Gallery, London (Peckham, 21st-22nd April)

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TechnologyMedia ArtNet ArtThe Digital SystemDigitalArtificial IntelligenceMoving imageExperienceExperimentalPost-InternetInteractivityInternet

Degree Details

School of Communication

Sound Design