I have been highly interested in art and creative processes since my childhood. Coming from a family of architects, interior designers and scenographers, I soon learned how to express my individual creativity by using visual storytelling as a guide. After grammar school, where I attended the advanced art course, I started to work in a small theatre and doing several internships in different cultural and artistic institutions. Being interested in the broad range of cultural work I then decided to attend the interdisciplinary Bachelor's Degree Programme of Visual Arts, Music and Modern Media: Organisation and Presentation at the Philipps University Marburg. During this programme I gained fundamental knowledge about Music, Media and Art Theory and History, which enhanced my understanding of many contemporary cultural phenomena. I was especially fascinated by the interaction of these three disciplines in the field of modern art. When I attended a seminar about Ecological Art in my third semester, my passion for Eco-, Enviromental-, Land-Art and Architecture started.
From then on, I focused my research work on the impact of immersive, interactive installations in these artistic fields on the audience. When I wrote my first exhibition analysis about Olafur Eliassons indoor large scale-installations, I knew that I would love to curate such an experience one day. I finished my bachelor's degree with a thesis titled ‘(Bio-)Spheres. Utopian visions of synergetic living and natural spaces in contemporary Ecological Art as exemplified by Tomas Saraceno's Cloud Cities. In this research project I explored historic and modern ideas of futuristic synergetic living environments in the form of spherical artworks and architectural concepts that can be seen as realistic approaches to climate change.
The main reason I then became motivated to study Curatorial Work, was my consideration of Art as an important portal that leads us not only to a different place but to our recent environment.
After University I was part of an architectural office team, where I created colour and interior design concepts. Especially the work with colours, I had to choose for different room and façade walls, which gave me the opportunity to curate and design public spaces with colours. Besides this, I started working in a Gallery for Urban Contemporary Art, where I gained further experiences in the field of curating and organising exhibitions as well as artworks for the public space. Moreover, I had the chance to participate in several projects that focused on urban greening, urban farming and sustainability in Urban Art.