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Emma Irwin

A collaged image with a swirly background and planets. Two Michelangelo sculptures hold eachother's gaze in the foreground.

Emma is a Universal Designer / Writer with a particular interest in Speculative Design, Design Fiction, and Philosophy for Design. Her practice often resolves in writing from, about or within design projects and theory. She has written about the Internet and AI, language for design, and portals/dimensionalities. Her work has also been used for research/branding and marketing for commercial companies (Argent Related/Minster Worldwide).

She is interested in how designers write about design, and the kind of language that can occur when design work is often communicated visually, through objects, interactions, or processes.

When working in a team, Emma listens, researches and builds concepts and writing to support the design framework created by colleagues. She asks questions; finely tuning the words to articulate with precision and rigour, the core message of the project.

Speculative DesignDesign FictionLanguaging DesignConcept WritingDaseinDesign WritingPortalsInternetWritingCollageDesignDesign Philospohy

Degree Details

School of Arts & Humanities

Writing (MA) 1YR